I found out yesterday that a friend of mine, Father Jim Boyd, had passed away. My thoughts were simultaneously one of profound loss and joy. While I, and I’m certain many, many others will miss…
Entrepreneurship vs “Buying a Business”
I shouldn’t be surprised. Today, I accepted a meeting with someone who said she was an entrepreneur starting in the security space. I thought she was honestly trying to do homework as she…
I’ve written before about the benefits of unplugging. However, like many other people I’m much better at giving advice like this than executing on it. I brought my phone with us on our recent backpacking…
Single Parenting and Choosing Wisely
This week, my wife has been away helping out her parents which has left me home alone with our four boys. During this week, I have had zero free time or “me time” and it…
Repeating Lies
I was reading the Reynolds Pamphlet this morning and came across this quote: Lies often detected and refuted are still revived and repeated, in the hope that the refutation may have been forgotten or that the…
Making ¢ents Out of Gas Prices
At over $80 to fill up my car tank, I wanted to discover whether it is better to commute to buy cheap gas. Feeding a family of six means we go to Costco to buy…
Going Out For Bid
Does anyone like to hear those words from a potential customer? In your business, you spend valuable time building a solution for a customer. They love the solution and it looks to be something that…
What Do I Know About Jesus’ Early life?
This morning I started reading “Rediscover Jesus” by Matthew Kelly – a book I received from my church a few years back for Lent. I’m sure I’m reading it not as intended, as it was…
The Road to Emmaus
It is time of difficulty that build our character. Christ walks with us during the hard times. The road to Emmaus is a great example of how we act and how we should think during…
An Entrepeneur’s Perspective on the Pandemic Stimulus
My friend Bo recently shared this quote with me
“There are no atheists in foxholes, and there are no capitalists in a crisis.”
I am stunned by what I have read about the government stimulus. While I am poised be “given” a significant chunk of money both personally and for my small business, I think both of these giveaways are terrible ideas.